Der Wald The international shipping industry is responsible for delivering 90% of global trade and is essential to keeping supply chains and economies moving. However, it also produces nearly one billion tonnes of CO2 and 2.5% of global Greenhouse gas emissions. But we have recognised the need to change and evolve and take responsibility for delivering a more sustainable and environmentally responsible industry. In line with the International Maritime Organisation’s decarbonisation targets, progressive companies like Rocktree are now proactively looking at critical elements of its operations to increase efficiencies, reduce emissions and minimise the impact that it has on the environment.Specifically, Rocktree is advancing its sustainability agenda through power management initiatives and processes on its vessels. A cross-functional team has been conducting in-depth research to deliver meaningful insights into the bunker and fuel consumption of the company’s assets so that engines and generators are used as efficiently as possible. The crew are trained on additional practices to help optimise power usage.These initiatives are ongoing and involve widespread, intercompany feedback and collaboration amongst the crew and onshore staff, working across various business functions and situated in different locations. Moreover, Rocktree constantly seeks to improve on its power management practices by reviewing existing procedures and integrating technological capabilities to optimise power management. Through this level of scrutiny, Rocktree teams develop and implement integrated solutions that drive operational efficiencies, sustainability and safety while reducing supply chain costs. These are the hallmarks of a modern-day, dry bulk Logistics Solutions Provider.By creating its forest, Rocktree keeps moving towards a more sustainable business and a more environmentally responsible shipping industry. A tree in the Rocktree forest is dedicated to each vessel we load through our OFTs in 2021, and one to each of our employees.
Mehr lesen AuswirkungenDie Bäume, die wir pflanzen, haben große Ziele: Sie sollen nicht nur der Umwelt helfen, sondern auch den Menschen, die in ihr leben. Deshalb arbeiten wir mit NGOs und lokalen Gemeinschaften zusammen, um den richtigen Baum für den richtigen Ort auszuwählen. Wir denken mittel- und langfristig. Denn wir geben uns nicht damit zufrieden, einfach nur Bäume zu pflanzen: Wir wollen sie wachsen sehen.
Mehr lesen Die Bäume im Wald absorbieren:
199,50 t* CO₂