Der Wald She is an eclectic artist (artistic painting, decorative art and renovation are her preferred activities) with an international reputation. Victoria lives and works in Verona.It is through her art that she is trying to make people and institutions aware of the systematic elimination of the local Indios, physically eliminated, decimated and forcibly removed from their lands owing to de-forestation and the speculation occurring on their territory which is rich with valuable raw materials.A dedication to her of this forest is our way of encouraging Victoria to continue with her initiative for our Mother Earth.“The Amazon forest plays a crucial role in the equilibrium of the earth’s climate and therefore in our lives. But when a forest becomes fragmented, it becomes more vulnerable and weak. The same applies to humanity, when divided we lose force and when united we become stronger. It doesn’t matter who we are or where we come from, let’s leave behind our differences and honour nature so that we can all prosper in the coming years. Let’s unite to protect and nurture our most important resource, Mother Earth.” Victoria Martinez
Mehr lesen AuswirkungenDie Bäume, die wir pflanzen, haben große Ziele: Sie sollen nicht nur der Umwelt helfen, sondern auch den Menschen, die in ihr leben. Deshalb arbeiten wir mit NGOs und lokalen Gemeinschaften zusammen, um den richtigen Baum für den richtigen Ort auszuwählen. Wir denken mittel- und langfristig. Denn wir geben uns nicht damit zufrieden, einfach nur Bäume zu pflanzen: Wir wollen sie wachsen sehen.
Mehr lesen Die Bäume im Wald absorbieren:
33,25 t* CO₂