Der Wald Welcome to the NearForm Partner Forest! As a way to celebrate our existing or potential partnership with you, our clients, we have chosen to give back to the planet. The NearForm Partner Forest is made up of trees gifted to and redeemed by you, and - together with our NearForest, which is made up of 12 trees gifted annually to all NearFormers - represents the commitment that we are taking towards creating a positive environmental and social impact for local communities.This commitment will see us planting and gifting a minimum of 10,000 trees through to the year 2025 across both of our forests. In doing so, we will be supporting around 1,176 farmers and their families, and absorbing approximately 2,797 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. Our promise not only to the planet but to future generations.Every tree is unique, just like our clients and our people, and we look forward to growing, nurturing, and expanding our clients, our people and our business, as well as our beautiful forests over the coming years.As we continue to build and expand our NearForm Partner Forest, we also invite and warmly encourage all of our clients to join the movement!Trees can be planted at any time, by any one! Together we truly can make a positive and lasting impact.
Mehr lesen AuswirkungenDie Bäume, die wir pflanzen, haben große Ziele: Sie sollen nicht nur der Umwelt helfen, sondern auch den Menschen, die in ihr leben. Deshalb arbeiten wir mit NGOs und lokalen Gemeinschaften zusammen, um den richtigen Baum für den richtigen Ort auszuwählen. Wir denken mittel- und langfristig. Denn wir geben uns nicht damit zufrieden, einfach nur Bäume zu pflanzen: Wir wollen sie wachsen sehen.
Mehr lesen Die Bäume im Wald absorbieren:
262,55 t* CO₂