APR Applied Pharma Research sa

APR Applied Pharma Research sa

APR Applied Pharma Research s.a. ("APR”) is a private, international corporation headquartered in Switzerland and focused on the development and licenses of innovative healthcare products addressing patien...


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

Melissa Gray
Melissa Gray
Rosanna Germinario
Rosanna Germinario
Andrea Canobbio
Andrea Canobbio
Tati Cardoso
Tati Cardoso
Mark Collier
Mark Collier
Raffaella Altobelli
Raffaella Altobelli
Roberto Marelli
Roberto Marelli
Rina Longo
Rina Longo


Último bosque creado

Christmas 2015
Christmas 2015

Christmas is here once again! APR would like to take this chance to share a small gift with you and invite you to take part to a project we really care about. Thanks to our partner Treedom, each of you will have his own tree to be planted, as part of our APR Forest in Kenya. So, this year our Christmas trees will be dedicated to the planet and to those than need them the most. The forest which the trees will form a part of will have both local and global long-lasting benefits. So, hurry up: go and activate your personal code to give life to your Tree! We hope you appreciate this little gift. Merry Christmas!


Arboles plantados


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