

With camos Quotation and camos Configurator, Stuttgart-based camos Software und Beratung GmbH has developed one of the leading CPQ software solutions (Configure Price Quote) for quotation generation and product ...


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

Simon Mayer
Simon Mayer
Heidrun Taag
Heidrun Taag
Peter Wendt
Peter Wendt
Peter Straub
Peter Straub
Anna Gorr
Anna Gorr
Wolfgang Hager
Wolfgang Hager
Timo Nedele
Timo Nedele
Selin Demirdelen
Selin Demirdelen


Último bosque creado

camos CPQ-Wald
camos CPQ-Wald

More trees are felled than planted worldwide! This is a problem, because without trees there would be no life on our planet. We want to make a difference not only technologically, but also socially and ecologically. With the camos CPQ forest we want to set an example and plant trees together with small farmers in Cameroon. In this way we support them in preserving their livelihood and also help to absorb CO2 emissions worldwide. We give away the trees planted in the camos CPQ forest on special occasions.


Arboles plantados


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