Raiffeisen Landesbank Südtirol AG

Raiffeisen Landesbank Südtirol AG

Raiffeisen Landesbank Südtirol AG is part of the South Tyrolean Raiffeisen cooperative movement and acts as the central banking institution for 39 South Tyrolean Raiffeisenkassen. At the same time, in cooperatio...


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

Gianna de Fina
Gianna de Fina
Petra Feichter
Petra Feichter
Ingeborg Hofer
Ingeborg Hofer
Claudia Riccardi
Claudia Riccardi
carla pederiva
carla pederiva
Vera Dallemulle
Vera Dallemulle
Monikas Stauder
Monikas Stauder
Roland Dibiasi
Roland Dibiasi


Último bosque creado

Raiffeisen Wald
Raiffeisen Wald

In the context of its sustainable commitment, Raiffeisen Landesbank Südtirol AG has decided to offset the amount of CO2 emissions generated in its 2021 business year by planting the first Raiffeisen forest.In 2021, the Bank produced 126.29 tons of CO2, including direct and indirect scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, which it offset by planting 556 trees. This is primarily intended as a symbolic act by the Bank, which committed through its Climate Neutrality Plan to drastically reduce its emissions by 2025. The bank aims first and foremost at minimising its CO2 emissions year after year in order to only compensate for the unavoidable emissions. In addition to the ecological aspect, the Bank also attaches great importance to the social component of its agroforestry project, which supports small farmers in the local communities.


Arboles plantados


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