GroupM Nexus

GroupM Nexus

GroupM Nexus is the industry’s largest community of performance marketing experts designed to drive performance and innovation at scale for GroupM’s agencies and clients. With the most platform accreditations in...


I nostri alberi sono fotografati, geolocalizzati ed hanno una loro pagina online dove puoi seguire la storia del progetto di cui fa parte.

Alberi custoditi da

Hannah LloydJones
Hannah LloydJones
Alanna Tyminski
Alanna Tyminski
wendy jim
wendy jim
Isabelle 107324167698082610472
Isabelle 107324167698082610472
Anja Cooper
Anja Cooper
Katie Elliott
Katie Elliott
Stamatia Kostarigka
Stamatia Kostarigka
Claudia Ziegenbein
Claudia Ziegenbein


Ultima foresta creata

GroupM Nexus Forest
GroupM Nexus Forest

Welcome to the GroupM Nexus forest! Our ambition is to continuously grow our forest by gifting trees, which will in turn give back to our planet and local communities. We hope you enjoy selecting your tree and witnessing its journey!


Alberi piantati

