A shared environmental commitment

Grow your own forest

Why settle for just planting one tree when you have the opportunity to create an entire forest? Take an extra step in your commitment to a greener and fairer world, become an inspiration to those around you.

a tree icon
Chiara Bianchi
a tree icon
Clare Smith
a tree icon
Pedro Diaz
a forest
a forest
How it works

Creating your Forest is easy

For every important occasion, there's a Forest to create: whether it's to celebrate a birthday, graduation, wedding, or to share a project with friends, colleagues, and schoolmates. Celebrating together makes everything more special!

customizable fields


Let everyone know why you decided to create your Forest: give it a name, choose the cover image, and write a brief description to tell its story.


Plant trees

What forest would be without trees? Start by planting one of the mixes we have prepared for you, with the right balance of forest and fruit species.

a list of friends

Share it with your friends

This story deserves to be told! Share your Forest on social media and invite your friends to plant more trees to make it grow.

What's next?

Grow your Forest over time

Tree after tree make your Forest grow! Once created, you can plant new trees together with your friends, as and when you want.

Each tree will give you access to different content on MyTreedom, our platform where you can read insights about the species you planted, the countries where your trees are located, and more.