

egoFM is the radio for music discoverers. We play the really good music from all genres in our range: electro, hip-hop, indie, soul, funk, German rap, drum'n'bass, old school classics from the clubs of the world...


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.

Trees cared for by

Pät Van Nice
Pät Van Nice
Deti Smith
Deti Smith
Joachim Weber
Joachim Weber
Anne W
Anne W
Sebastian König
Sebastian König
Christoph null
Christoph null
Music Obsessed
Music Obsessed
Miriam Fischer
Miriam Fischer


Last created forest


EGO FM FORESTEvery year we celebrate our egoFM fest with lots of amazing artists. Unfortunatly we had to cancel it in 2020, but we hope that in 2021 we’ll be able to celebrate live music and life again – all together! All the artists had  to cover a certain distance to manage to perform at the egoFM fest. Also our team went during these events a few kilometers by car. In 2018 we first tried to compensate with our egoFM forest for the whole carbon emissions which we’ve produced during the event. For that reason we’ve planted that forest where a lot of musicians and we as a team already have been planting many trees. The Compensation of our carbon emissions for the travel during the event has been our beginning. In the future we want to make our egoFM forest grow. Together with all our listeners we want to plant a lot more trees to reduce our ecological footprint durable. Let’s green the planet together! 


Planted trees


Looked after by: