Quercus ilex
15:30 - 12°C
Date of birth
Holm Oak
Place of birth
Minervino di Lecce
40° 6′ 3.73″ N
18° 24′ 36.12″ E
The important moments in your tree's life.
It all starts with a tiny seed, nice and warm in the soil.
Your seedling is big enough to be welcomed into one of our nurseries, along with many others.
We’re here! Your tree has reached its new home: it’s been planted by a smallholder, who’ll take care of it for years to come.
Strike a pose! Now that it’s big enough, here’s a photo of your tree!
The important moments in your tree's life.
The Holm oak is one of the most distinctive species of oak found across the Mediterranean. It can grow over 20 metres in height and has a broad, dense canopy, beneath which many populations have gathered together since time immemorial. The Holm oak grows very slowly, but it is long-lived and can survive for centuries. Its fruit - acorns - is a favourite with wild animals and has even tempted humans too. In many places around the Mediterranean, the acorns were once used to make a kind of flour, and even as a coffee substitute.
The Holm oak is mainly found in Mediterranean countries, where the trees can often be seen standing in isolation, surrounded by farmland. Like ancient noblemen still watching over their territory.
My estimated CO2 absorption capacity is based on the first 10 years of my life*
Current absorption
* The tree will continue to absorb CO2 even after the tenth year. Therefore this is a prudent estimate.
Its leaves, roots, bark and/or fruits are used in traditional medicine.
It improves the quality of the soil thanks to the nitrogen fixation process or it reduces soil erosion, thanks to its extended root system.
Its leaves and/or its fruits contain useful substances that can be used against plant diseases or as natural pesticides.
The trees will bear fruits, some that will be edible immediately and others that can become edible through processing, ensuring food resources over time.
The trees' fruits and the products derived from their transformation can be traded in local networks, offering income opportunities.
During its life cycle, each tree will offset CO₂. The trees that you plant can offset your emissions.
The trees are planted in agroforestry systems that favor the virtuous interaction between the different species and their positive impact on the environment and on the land.