La forêt Eniday is donating an orchard to Kenya. The project is aimed at the cultivation of twenty thousand avocado, mango and macadamia trees in collaboration with Kikuyu, a farming community in the area of Gatanga, central Kenya. Thanks to the partnership between Eniday and Treedom, anyone can adopt a tree with a few clicks of their mouse and follow its progress through photos, geopositioning and news on the fruit it produces. A total of 300 farmers will be involved in the project, with a hundred of them paid to plant and tend the trees for the next 10 years. Each group of farmers has already prepared a nursery and will sell the plants to the other 200 farmers involved in the project at half price.However the effects of the initiative will reach even further because a tree is not simply a tree, but a tool to breathe new life into the local economy. The planting has been promoted by Muranga district council and the proceeds resulting from sale of the produce will be used by the community.
En savoir plus ImpactLes arbres que nous plantons ont de grandes ambitions : être bénéfiques non seulement à l’environnement, mais aussi aux personnes qui y vivent. C’est pourquoi nous travaillons avec des ONG et des communautés locales pour sélectionner le bon arbre, au bon endroit, et pour le bon usage. C’est pour cela que nous réfléchissons à moyen et long terme, car nous ne nous contentons pas de planter des arbres : nous voulons les faire pousser.
En savoir plus Les arbres de la forêt absorberont :
1 600 t* de CO₂