Francesca Michielin

Francesca Michielin

Francesca Michielin, Italian singer-songwriter, has always been a spokesperson for the values of solidarity and responsibility towards nature and the green world. In fact, during her participation at the Eurovi...

Des arbres

Nos arbres sont photographiés, géolocalisés et disposent de leur propre page en ligne où vous pourrez suivre l'histoire du projet dans lequel il participe.

Arbres entretenus par

Ilaria Cavini
Ilaria Cavini
Marco Passerini
Marco Passerini
Roberto Sartori
Roberto Sartori
Gianmarco Creti
Gianmarco Creti
Francesca Trianni
Francesca Trianni
edoardo mazzola
edoardo mazzola
Riccardo Mazzola
Riccardo Mazzola
Guillaume BAUD
Guillaume BAUD

Les forêts

Dernière forêt créée


"2640", Francesca Michielin's new album, produces oxygen! In fact, the streaming of the album converts into real trees planted by Francesca. Consequently "2640" will become a forest, located in Kenya, and every 200,000 streams it will added a tree. On the day of the album release, 50 trees were planted donated by Francesca together with Treedom. In this way, thanks to everyone's participation, we can say that the planet breathes music!


Planted trees


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