OPEN Health

OPEN Health

As OPEN Health evolves and grows, it is important that we do not lose sight of how our values, actions and operations impact the future of our employees, clients, communities and the environment.Through this awa...


I nostri alberi sono fotografati, geolocalizzati ed hanno una loro pagina online dove puoi seguire la storia del progetto di cui fa parte.


Ultima foresta creata

OPEN Growth
OPEN Growth

As OPEN Health continues on its huge growth journey, it is thrilled to be translating that growth into the conservation of our forests! With our aim to become the most respected healthcare agency in the world, we have a responsibility to ensure that we are acting in the right way, with pride and integrity.  OPEN Growth is a true testament to what we want for the future: for our forests to grow and flourish, just like the members of our team! We’re excited to see how our forest grows and hope that we have ignited a collective passion to support this initiative.


Alberi piantati

